TPOVU to load scores into2Enter the maximum score for the column or etter L0Enter the name of the file containing the scores.Press any key to load the scores or else U Please wait... ? Student scores read from the file without matches in the class 2 Students in the class without matches in the file$Copying completed... AWould you like to see a list of non-matching students in the file%Printing... (press any key to cancel) Please wait...:List of students on file without matches in the class roll Printing canceled. -- printing stoppedCWould you like to see a list of students without scores in the file9List of students in the class without matches in the file % to cancel, any other key to begin copying Please wait...$Copying completed... U P X z LETTER GRADES TOTAL SCORES GROUP: U GROUP: GROUP: TOTAL SCORES LETTER GRADESU Enter the name of the column LETTER GRADES TOTAL SCORES the scorefile Is LETTER GRADES the scorefile Is TOTAL SCORES the scorefileU &Enter the name of the Group to Include the groupU : COMMENTS NAME ID NUMBER TOTAL SCORES LETTER GRADESU COMMENTS NAME ID NUMBER TOTAL SCORES LETTER GRADESU Report Formats the number to retrieveU Save this format Report Formats the number to replace or dd Enter the name of the format .RPTU 8 on ame, olumn, otal scores, or etter gradesE on ame, d number, olumn, otal scores, or etter grades Please enter the field to HLlank -- only students with blank (or M or I) scores in one of the columns:ow -- only students with scores below a certain value:igh -- only students with scores above a certain value8Include ll students, lank, ow, or igh scores TOTAL SCORES LETTER GRADES high%The column which will be checked for scores. to select on below above Only students with scores + this value will be included in the report.#Enter the value the scores must be U % to cancel, to go back, any other key to continueU Printing canceled.U %Printing... (press any key to cancel) Please wait... -- report stoppedU Edit formatU + = k !1!;!@!^!c! #2#;#F#`#v# $'$1$6$f$ $W%z% (-(G(a(j(u( )#)@)N)U)c)q) ) *#*:*V*k* *1+F+Q+f+p+z+ ,+->- .!.)...3. /!/,/1/3>8>P>U>m>r> ?$?F?K?]?b?u? @6@U@_@j@t@ AHAMAnA A`BeB}B B)C>CICNCuC~C D"DBDGD_DgDlD D,E1EEEJE F!F,F1FQFVFpFxF}F G4G9GMGRGqGvG G#H+H0HXH`HeH J7J?JDJkJsJxJ KFKKK L,L4L9LSLXLpLxL}L L-M2MJMRMWM O'O,OHOnO{O P'P,PFPNPSPmPrP Q7QiZikivi m/m\m p$p)pfp q'q9q>qCqLq_qdqrqwq q6r]rSs\sgsys~s sCPress to cancel, to go back, any other key to continueU -Send report to creen,

rinter, or isk !Number of reports per page < 1 - Enter the name of the Disk file Replace existing fileU %Include the letter-grade break points Include student commentsU CLASS: ,Minimum score required for each letter grade0Number of students assigned to each letter grade.Percent of class assigned to each letter grade Report for: GROUP: Drop Printing canceled. Letter Total Score Letter Grade -- printing stoppedU Student List to report%Printing... (press any key to cancel) Please wait...U %Printing... (press any key to cancel) Please wait...U high%The column which will be checked for scores. to select on below above Only students with scores this value will be listed#Enter the value the scores must be U d q ~ #5#O#~# $'$,$1$:$G$Z$_$i$n$ #Current Options: Include empty cols ; Round ; Totals/subtotals are( points pct.'s letterU NIf you answer Yes, student averages are affected by the assignments which haveOnot yet been given. This is sometimes useful in mid-term reports when you wantMto give students a perspective on where they are vs. how much they have left. Include empty columnsHIf you answer Yes, scores in the Group Subtotal and Total Scores columnsKwill be rounded to the nearest integer. Otherwise, they are rounded to oneKdecimal place. (Internally, totals are calculated using 6 decimal places.) Round totals to nearest integerORaw: number of points received. Percent: percent (0-100) of the maximum numberOof points. Letters: subtotal scores are converted to letter grades; totals areGcalculated using the subtotal letter grades and saved as letter values.FTotals & subtotal scores are aw points,

ercentages, or etters to changeDFor an explanation of the above totaling formulas, please select the Help option for this screen.@Formula: ixed,

roportional, umulative, verage, on Enter the weight of this groupFYou can think of the group's weight as its percent of the total score.9Enter the number without a decimal point or percent sign.1Enter the weight of scores in this group (1 - 10)HThe students' average scores for the group are multiplied by this numberIwhen calculating the total scores. This allows you to weight the average)scores of some groups higher than others.&Enter the number of low scores to drop8One or more low scores can be excluded for each student.COnly the students' (higher) remaining scores are averaged together.U to change#Enter the maximum score or etter Please enter the maximum score%Maximum score must be etter grades Calculating letter grades...U Please Wait9Scores successfully totaled. Calculate letter grades nowJYou now have the option of converting the students' total scores to letterIgrades, which will be stored in the LETTER GRADES column. Alternatively,Myou can calculate the letter grades using the "Graph / Adjust Scores" option.U BDo you want to calculate the students' total scores before exitingU # 7 E M !F!P!k!p! "R"Z" $O$a$f$o$ '!'*'5'G'L'Q' +.+6+U+|+ ,),P,o, -+-0-5-G-L-Q-p- .=.E.J.O.X. /&/?/V/j/ 070U0m0r0|0 Statistics Excludes blank, EA, etc. scores. High: Average: Median: Std. Dev.: InnerQuartile Range - # scores: # blank, EA, etc.: # students:U 6 D- D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- AU Scroll: Zoom: U Max: Letters *dd, ubtract, ultiply, or ivide Enter the number to add Enter the number to subtract Enter the number to multiply Enter the number to divide byU OK to convert to percentagesU Enter the maximum score to allow Enter the new mean 50 Enter the new standard deviation OK to convert to Letter GradesU OK to convert to Numeric ScoresU Enter the new maximum score Max: Letters 4OK to convert to round scores to the nearest integerU &Print only scores received by students%Printing... (press any key to cancel) Please wait...N 1...5....10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...50...55...60...65...70 Blank: Printing canceled. -- printing stoppedU to correlate with The correlation coefficient is ;The correlation could not be calculated (not enough scores) U to display?Write scores to ame column, nother column, or o column *Write over original scores -- are you sure to Save in TOTAL SCORES LETTER GRADES Write to Are you sureU 0 B G L W i x } < S ` h ;!h!z! "#"1""#{# $+$U$ %"%.% &(&<&f&r& '+'9'G'U'c' (;(Y(e( ).)6)@) )H*U*Z*!+4+F+y+ ,%,7,<,A,\,a,f, 0;0L0o0 1*2/2E2Z2e2j2 3B4G4 5+686S6`6 777H7~7 8"8*8/8E8e8m8 :?:H: ;#;(;-;A;F;K;];b;g;l;x; =%=L=U=f=k=|= =->F>\>u> >7?etter Please enter the maximum score%Maximum score must be etter grades LET LETU to enter scores into NAME ID # NAME ID Number NAME Group: Column: Max:U $ : ? D V [ ` w " ' A!F!U!]!g!P"`"s"x"}" #P$U$c$h$m$v$ %e&~& ' '+'='B'G' (%(*(/(8(E(P(i(n(s( )()-)2) *$Enter the name of the student to Add "Enter the ID of the student to Add correct .STDU to Drop1WARNING: All scores will be deleted. OK to drop Please wait...U to Change Enter the student's name Enter the student's ID numberU to comment on Enter the comment -Enter the Name or ID of the student to Locate the studentU Name Comments& ID # Name Comments- ID Number Name Comments change ame change ame/idU " A Z _ n v Enter the name of the column 1Enter a default maximum score, or etter grades it belongs to Creating column, please wait... .SFLU Enter the name of the Group (Number of columns belonging to the groupBEnter a prefix for the column names, or to use the defaultAEnter a default maximum score for each column, or etter grades Creating columns, please wait... SUBTOTAL .SFLU to droproup or olumn Change Erase CopyU " 4 O p u """P"z" #0#D# $>%E%J%t%|% '#'-'<']'t' (W(^(c( +>,E,J,u,}, -%---7-D-Q-i-}- -,.U.r. /8/M/[/r/|/ 1'1m1t1y1 2 2!2&252=2G2T2a2y2 3?3[3m3 4+404>4C4U4z4 556m6 6 Erasing: U .stdU Create Class Instructions>The Class Name will be the name of the class on the Data Disk."It can be up to 8 characters long. Class Name Replace existing classIThe Extended Name is a longer, more descriptive version of the Class NameIthat will appear on all reports. It can be up to thirty characters long. Extended NameJThere are three possible ways to represent student ID numbers on the roll.Btudent ID's -- you provide a student ID number for each studentEandom-- the computer provides random ID's o-- no ID numbers!ID number format , , or MThis number limits the number of students that will be enrolled in the class,.allowing you to save room on the disk. NOTE: Be sure to make the number largeGenough to accomodate late arrivals, since the number cannot be changed.#Maximum number of students in classMIf you answer yes, you will be asked for the name of an ASCII file containingMthe class roll. Your school registrar should be able to provide this to you.5The necessary file format is described in the manual.*Read the class roll from a sequential fileKIf the ASCII file containing the class roll is on a different disk than theNclasses, put the disk in another drive and prefix the file name with the drive7letter and a colon(:). Do not remove the classes disk. Enter the name of the file Press any key to create or else Please Wait... 0123456789 abcdefghijkl "+Fatal error -- There is no id on the line: -Fatal error -- There is no name on the line: 12345678U DThis option allows you to set up your printer. Please refer to your*printer manual for printer specifications.+1) Lpt1 2) Lpt2 3) Lpt3 4) Com1 5) Com2 Printer Port 0) 110 1) 150 2) 300 3) 600& 4) 1200 5) 2400 6) 4800 7) 9600 Baud Rate 0) none 1) even 2) odd Parity Data Bits (7 - 8) Stop Bits (1 - 2)%Print class reports in condensed mode: Enter 1 for normal print, 2-7 for condensed printing. 1) Normal pitch 2) Epson / compatible 3) HP Laserjet 4) IBM Proprinter 5) Nec Pinwriter P-2200 6) Panasonic KX-P10805 7) Other (you provide the compressed print code)OEnter the print codes as decimal ASCII values separated by spaces (e.g. 27 103) Condensed print code Reset printer code(Number of characters per line (80 - 255)U U 4This option allows you to set up your screen colors. Black Green Magenta Brown White Light Blue Light Green Light Cyan Light Red Light Magenta Yellow High-White Underline Normal Highlight Background Color Normal Text Highlighted Text Messages Outlines and boxesU U Change Letter Values Use E or F for failing grade E GLetter values are the numbers to which letter grades are converted whenMadding or averaging them. Many people use a 0 to 4.0 scale. The values mustJbe between 0 and 100 with a single digit following the decimal, e.g., 3.7. 4Enter the letter values and press when finished.U Copying: to: U Erasing: Renaming: to: U .SC$U Enter the class to copyGThis option copies the class onto another directory. You cannot removeDthe disk containing the class during the copy. If you only have twoIfloppy drives, you may temporarily remove your Program Disk at this time. Enter the directory to copy to Copying Class NThis option copies all your classes onto another directory. You cannot remove

U ingle class or ll %Welcome to the Electronic Class Roll! Version 3.0=Copyright (c) 1986, 1992 by Dallan Quass, All Rights ReservedJWe hope you find this to be the finest grading program you have ever used.JIf you have any comments or suggestions for enhancements, please send them:to the address below. We want to fill your grading needs! To order:HPrint and complete the ECRORDER.FRM file found on the distribution disk,For send $19.95 (UT residents add 6.5% sales tax) to the address below.AIn return, you will receive the latest version of the software, aFprinted manual, and discounts on future upgrades. With the ElectronicGClass Roll, you get better than a 30-day money back guarantee. Try theHECR for 30 days. Only if you decide to continue using it do you need toIorder. See page 8 in the user's guide for how to qualify for a discount! If you have a question:FHopefully the user's guide will answer any questions you have. If youCIf you have a question that is not answered, send it to the addressBbelow and a response will typically be returned the following day.-Dallan Quass, 1969 N. 190 E., Orem, UT 84057 Press a key to continueU ) 8 D W \ a f + = B G Y !&!4!F!K!P!b!g!l!~! "D"V"["`"r" #.#6#@#E# &4&K&b&y& '1'H'_'w' '3(z( )N)\)a)p)x) *7*<*J*p* +5+X+i+ +o-x- .6.P. /+/6/E/R/b/o/t/y/ 0+0b0o0 1"181H1^1i1n1s1 1+2?2J2\2i2n2s2x2 2:3N3_3j3o3 4,41464;4F4X4f4k4p4u4~4 5$5.5F5P5Z5k5u5 6!696C6M6^6h6r6 7%7/7@7J7T7s7}7 8)838=8[8e8o8 9 9*949E9O9Y9q9{9 :':8:B:L:d:n:x: :d<}< = =2=7=<=N=S=X=j= =$>.>=>S>]>b>y> ?)?2?=?O?T?Y?b?m? @"@1@f@ A(ANA A?BlB B&G;GDGOG_GdGiG H*H/H4H?HQHVH[HfHxH}H I&I+I0I;IMIRIWIbItIyI~I J#J,J7JIJNJSJ^JpJuJzJ ERRORU Please wait. . . Loading files ERROR .STDU Convert class to the new format .utlU U This class requires a passwordU PARENT U Classes Files U U PARENT Enter the new password Retype the passwordU & \ a k p z Return to Main Menu What Is? How Do I? What Next? Class Roll Class Roll Class Roll Class .... ..... Roll Class .... .. .. . Roll ------------ ... .. .. . .... .. .. . .... .. .. . ------------ Class Roll Roll O | ( E ] z & C [ x !4!Q!i! "%"="Z"r"